Unrivaled by any other form of advertising, licensing KAPD's unique, highly branded puzzles enables our clients to captivate consumers:
- ULTRA-LONG GAZE TIME - With logos and other brand assets prominently embedded in the grid and subtle brand referencing in the clues, KAPD content delivers 30-45 minutes of active and exclusive gaze time, involving affirmative interaction with the brand (vs. average 1.6 seconds for full page display ads)
- DUAL-CONSTUENCY APPEAL - Our intergenerational content delivers simultaneous brand exposure to both the purchaser (parent) and influencer (child), creating a shared brand experience that results in potential unanimity and acceleration in buying decisions
- WINNING ASSOCIATION - The positive solving experience -- particularly the sense of relaxation, self-esteem and satisfaction of completion and winning -- are communicable emotions that immediately attach to the brand and become associated with our clients' products and services
- KAPD BRAND RECOGNITION - KAPD's years of popularity drives families to the custom-branded KAPD experience our clients offer
- BROAD VIRAL EXPOSURE - Puzzles spread through the social media as users seek clue assistance from friends, tout their solving times online and challenge those in their social networks to beat their time
- LONGER SHELF LIFE - The "trophy effect" (the natural human aversion to discarding one's proof of accomplishment) drives retention of a completed branded crossword for more than 300% longer than one-way message printed content